reach school at 08.15am as lesson start @ 08.30am ! hahas.
then change today there's only.
me xuanyan leepoh marcus jonathan weiyang jerald lydia dyea
zhixiong jerald dennis ernest minglong roy ! haha joanna ng
is totally not behaving today! early in the morning gather
for brefing,mdm make durain cheese cake yummu :D!
haha then went to prepare everything totally noisy today!
ROAR i am not behaving since ytd because of that
stupid cat=X haha, then mdm yiping so cute!
when she wear her chef hat she look like chicken little =X!
hahas so cute,today kena call by her many time so funny.
then went to pastry there took bread and cake of the day!
yummy! haha, today there's only pathetic 6 pax
but never its fun! non-stop playing with that xy -.-!
shoot here and there! HAHA, then started to shoot marcus,
minglong zhixiong all stared to play! =X! haha , funfun,
high tea they have buffet for gradutation thingy, then play2
haha then help mdm alot! then mdm treated us drink
and alot of things to eat today yummy! then continue
play shooting! and i find that my class really grown up alot!
we do things fast and very united as one?! i hope this bonding
go on and on till our attachment! JIAYOU love u ppl lots :D
proj due in 18days JYJY! GO GO GO <33333
Cake of the day, :D
while walking to bus-stop,see this
i just smile widely, so nice!