wake up early in the morning rush to meet SL for batt (THANKS!)
then off to hougang for the wedding ceramony.! tired T.T
then off to granny house rest, till 6plus, cousin drove me
and sis , over to the banquet. lotsa memory there for
our family, because, 2nd bro & uncle wedding is also held
there. lotsa family started strolling in after 730,
can see how happy is cousin happy for him too!
camera women for the day . tired, run here and there.
omg, then took lotsa pic too misses them :D loves
them alot too, okay tired now, see the pictures ba :D!
us otw to their house~
me & love jaydon :D
me & my uncle :D
My naught jay's ~ <3
we are 18 toooo :D
beloved , big bro (don't we look alike?) :D
jaydon, me , dasao, dage,jaycus, sister~
me and 5th uncle & wife.
me ,lionel kor, shaun di~
i am so extra luh! hha, wanting to take pic with aunt
then end up with their family haha :D
then end up with their family haha :D
and and Ivan kor~
see how is big is the LEE family? omg (mum side :D)
me the newly couple and their son ~
love everyone, in every picture take care all!
next meet is on CNY (;