what is happening? i just dont seem to understand.?
a friend told me of what had happen,he is a good guy
just what happen? =( cheer up ya my friend (you know who u're)
to you,i dont know wheather its you who sms me or not,
i just wanna say,everything happen for a reason,i dont
know what is yours,but i just want to say, thanks for the
care and everything,carry on with your happy life as u've
always tell me,we'll just stop our so call "close friendship"
like before and be normal?i dont want msg-es anymore
it will just make me think alot.take care and yup the once
love you feeling is gone ?(i'll get rid of it asap)
爱情岌岌可危 所有付出灰飞烟灭谁都别来安慰 我不想承认我有流泪