then off to bl met up with koonie and syahidah.
off to band, so little ppl as usual lol. reach band set
up etc,okay mr watson was not here. prac was okay.
after band,fian is so funny la. 38 times lol! omg his eyes -.-
then off to clark quay with cat,fian,bell koonie.
then walk ard, slack at one place quite okay. then talk
cam whore,then off to subway for dinner walk ard
then back most were tired le ! LOL especially
that cat. reach home watch F1 race were boring -.-
and chef cancel it ARHH! make me -.- nbm . take care all.
i know you love it :D (its so comfy (; )
Starting to be crazy~
model :Dthey love to eat ice cream lots.
not professional model LOL~(for today because he is super tired)