OkIEszz... juzz saw 5 meixxx tag.. kkz.... 3 jie nw cum tag le hapii??/
em... 2dae never do anii ting with bestpal hahax.. cuz i 2dae gt oraL!!
the oral is ok la.. but the teacher so weird de.. haha... 2dae @ the oral class took so muchiee pixx =)) with moii mama TENG nuer ALINA ... tookkk manii pixx as shown below... haha then after oral straight go hm lolx... moii lovely piguu go hm so early cuz of sum reasonn lolxz...
then 2dae upload mannniiii pixx with faz.. pigu .. laopo.. nuer.. classmate.. etc!! =)) hapiii
lolx... so stresss tizz few weekkkzzz... haiixxx.. dunno y hmmmm... thennn i wannn class foto!!! so long lerhxx.. then 2ml then we can take hmm....
yea sherifff BBQ cuming up =) omg HEY HEY 2molo moii JIEJIE B'dAe =)) wish her b verii verii hapiii 4ever =))
next 3 more daeszz 2 pasir ris park performance yea yea =) wootzz excited ON DEC 23 HYB WILL BE HAVING A CONCERT TAKE NOTE IS $5 U CAN BUY FRM ANI BAND MEMBERS!! =)) hahax.. yea yea =)) OUR VERii FIRST CONCERT PLZ SUPPORT!! MUACKZz.. THEN cArry on nth else.. haha tizz feww dae keep on toking 2 tuba section junioorr tubist haha she shooo cutee =)) SHE SAE MR TAN IS HER NONO IS OURS HE BELONG 2 HYB =) kkz i have nth 2 sae anii more muackz...=)) kk stopping here buaixx buaixx hapiii 4 ever sok sok dun sad le.. me will be @ ur side no mattar wad muackzz all the best 4 ur exam okies =)) sign off.... joanna =)) juiccee ahhh yiii =)) Buaixx buaiiixx =))